CaryEvans   |   Intuit - Beehive


Social Media Curation & Ad Builder

Watch the Demo Video - 2 min

1. The Opportunity

An 18% increase in conversion has been seen on landing pages that use social proof. Seeing a key ingredient in creating pages that are as sweet and sticky as honey, the Beehive team was born. They set out to enable marketers to quickly and easily add social media content to their landing pages - making the buzz! 

2. Customer Insights

Our first step was to understand how marketers work. How do they work development teams to get messaging out to the site? What tools do they use in their workflow? What are some of the breakdowns and hurdles they face in their day-to-day work?

3. Concepts & Prototypes

After studying marketers, their habits, and the apps they use, we developed several concepts on paper. These were refined a bit and discussed again with marketers. After iterating on paper, we prototyped the ideas.

4. Customer Feedback

After building prototypes we went back to the end-users to get their understanding of how it worked and see if it met their needs.

5. Build & Test

Now with a good grasp of what will fly with these marketing folks, The team began building the first version and testing for any and all types of bugs. Doing weekly reviews with customers enabled the team to make adjustments along the way. 

6. Launch

Working alongside 3 developers and a QA engineer, we launched the product after countless hours of testing and refinement. The product was used to deliver social media posts throughout many of TurboTax's campaigns and promotions.

Beehive was then put through the test...

Beehive Process.pdf

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